
We are the Division for Pharmaceutical Biology in the Department Biology.


Our research is chiefly concerned with developing new biogenic avenues and biomaterials that use principles found in nature to better treat bacterial infections. We are also looking at communication mechanisms between bacteria and cells to find new therapeutic approaches towards inflammatory diseases.

Further information on our group may also be found here: www.fuhrmann-lab.de


Are you a young investigator and keen to contribute to our „New frontiers in biomedical engineering“ themed issue in Journal of Controlled Release? Check out the submission call below and make sure to apply!


How important are antibiotics and how severe are bacterial resistances? Hear Gregor discussing this in a BR radio interview

Prof. Dr. Gregor Fuhrmann

Chair for Pharmaceutical Biology
Department Biology, Room 02.773
Phone: +49 9131 85-28241

Email: gregor.fuhrmann@fau.de


Elke Bennewitz

Biologikum B1/Room 02.772

Phone: +49 9131 85-28240
Fax: switched off for sustainability reasons

Email: elke.bennewitz@fau.de and bio-pharmbio-office@fau.de

Office hours – Thursday and Friday all day


What does a pharmaceutical biologist actually do?


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kreis (Emeritus)

Division of Pharmaceutical Biology
Department Biology
Email: wolfgang.kreis@fau.de




Chair for Pharmaceutical Biology
Department Biology
Staudtstr. 5
91058 Erlangen

Building B1/Biologikum